Designing Safety into Ambulances
Massachusetts Institute of Technology EMS designed an innovative new ambulance, incorporating best practices and current evidence to enhance provider safety.
Utilizing a Scramble Crew Approach to Achieve 24-Hour Coverage
In 2016, Muhlenberg College EMS reinstituted daytime response, incorporating Active 911, a digital messaging system, and an all-call, scramble crew model. Since the new response plan began in March of 2016, Muhlenberg College EMS has responded to 47 calls that may have otherwise been ignored, at a response time shorter than that of normal duty crew responses.
EMS Resource Utilization at College Campus Mass Gathering Events
This study aimed to examine EMS utilization during mass gathering events at an urban university with a collegiate-based EMS agency. Findings suggest that college event planners can potentially utilize event and weather features to predict EMS resource utilization.
Implementation of Stop the Bleed on an Undergraduate College Campus
Johns Hopkins Emergency Response Organization (HERO) implemented a training, preparedness, and public access equipment program to stop the bleed on their campus.
MCI Training Program
In 2010, the University of Pennsylvania Medical Emergency Response Team (MERT) initiated the Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) training program. To better prepare student-EMTs to respond and manage a disaster scene, MERT is implementing a tabletop exercise module to ensure that MERT members are fluent in the Incident Command System (ICS), familiar with the MERT MCI operating guidelines, and able to size-up a scene appropriately.
A Low-Cost Ambulance Idle Reduction System
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) EMS proposes a simple, automated system design that constantly monitors the temperature in the patient compartment, and only starts the vehicle engine and heating system temporarily when the temperature falls below a preset threshold in the cabin. MIT EMS estimates that their system can reduce the vehicle’s idling fuel consumption and engine run time by about 85%.
Implementing Stop the Bleed at Skidmore College
Skidmore College Emergency Medical Services (SCEMS) implemented a Stop to Bleed campaign at Skidmore College. SCEMS organized 20 free bleeding control trainings to train over 60 community members and incorporated $5,000 into the Skidmore Campus Safety 2018 budget for bleeding control equipment.
Optimizing Collegiate EMS Resources During Major Events
Brown EMS (BEMS) provides primary medical coverage at Spring Weekend (SWE), an annual outdoor concert drawing 6,000 attendees per day. By increasing its resources to include ground details and an additional ALS ambulance, BEMS aims to increase venue capacity, optimize response, and limit mutual-aid requirements.