A Low-Cost Ambulance Idle Reduction System

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) EMS proposes a simple, automated system design that constantly monitors the temperature in the patient compartment, and only starts the vehicle engine and heating system temporarily when the temperature falls below a preset threshold in the cabin. MIT EMS estimates that their system can reduce the vehicle’s idling fuel consumption and engine run time by about 85%.

Implementing Stop the Bleed at Skidmore College

Skidmore College Emergency Medical Services (SCEMS) implemented a Stop to Bleed campaign at Skidmore College. SCEMS organized 20 free bleeding control trainings to train over 60 community members and incorporated $5,000 into the Skidmore Campus Safety 2018 budget for bleeding control equipment.

Optimizing Collegiate EMS Resources During Major Events

Brown EMS (BEMS) provides primary medical coverage at Spring Weekend (SWE), an annual outdoor concert drawing 6,000 attendees per day. By increasing its resources to include ground details and an additional ALS ambulance, BEMS aims to increase venue capacity, optimize response, and limit mutual-aid requirements.

Cardiac Health and Stroke Awareness Month (CHASAM)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) EMS designed a non-certification learning opportunity for students who have not previously sought out CPR training. MIT EMS’s creation of an annual Cardiac Health and Stroke Awareness Month (CHASAM), piloted in 2016 and repeated in 2017, substantially increased the number of trained bystanders from a diverse selection of residential communities.

Feasibility of Asynchronous Learning in Collegiate EMS

Brown University EMS implemented a novel BLS Supervisor Training Program. Using asynchronous learning, Brown sought to optimize training time by promoting self-learning off-shift and outside of traditional didactic models using small-group, problem-based learning and online modules.

Piloting an Online New Member Orientation Program

Illini EMS created and implemented an online Orientation course for new members. Using a combination of original and adapted videos followed by a quiz, this self-paced program teaches and assesses the basics of topics including bleeding control, organizational structure, team dynamics, and First Responder mental health in under an hour.

Upstream of EMS Overutilization

Tufts Emergency Medical Services—alongside Tufts Health Promotion and Prevention—funded, created, and distributed first aid kits and informational content to all first-year students.


Innovation in Collegiate Emergency Medical Services

The authors review potential uses of current and future innovations in EMS and discuss our Call for Papers for an upcoming special JCEMS edition.

Presumptive Diagnosis of Alcohol Intoxication as the Etiology of Altered Mental Status in Collegiate...

Altered mental status is a common emergency call at universities, and for collegiate-based EMS providers this chief complaint is frequently found secondary to alcohol intoxication. The results of this research demonstrate evidence that EMTs may presumptively attribute alcohol intoxication as the etiology of AMS, as evidenced by the underutilization of key AMS assessments.

2024 Conference Academic Poster Session Posters

Posters from the Academic Poster Session at the 2024 Annual National Collegiate Emergency Medical Services Foundation Conference

Advising Resilient Healthcare Teams

McMaster University's Emergency First Response Team (EFRT) has curated a multi-step, highly selective hiring process that has led to exemplary retention rates.